Thursday, December 15, 2011

How far we have fallen

I just finished the most difficult and yet one of the best books I have ever read. Glenn Beck's "The Original Argument" is a view into the minds of those who drafted and sold our Constitution to the Confederacy. If you want to gain a new appreciation for the intellect of our founders, I highly recommend this book. A pal asked me what were the most important thoughts in the book. The most clear agreement between Hamilton, Madison and Jay, who penned the papers under the name Publius was spot on. Without a firm foundation in God, man would not be able to govern himself, regardless of what form of government he created. They told the people that this Constitution was the best document ever created in the history of mankind to form a solid foundation for a country. They also told them that it was up to them to make it work, and that without the character that comes from faith in God, chances were slim. Ben Franklin answered a man's question after leaving the signing who asked, "What kind of a government did you give us?" He said, "A Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it." What a great message. Wish they would spend more time teaching it in school. Maybe some day.