Well, Mr. Obama, congratulations on your "I'm gonna bag on Bush and Cheney for 4 years" prize that you received today from the Nobel Prize Commission. You were so humble as you preened before those well dressed liberal twits. Thank you for that wonderful line, Mr. Krauthammer.
I heard again today that you are going to hand another extension of unemployment benefits to the sheeple on the backs of that newest of endangered species, the American taxpayer. In case you did not notice, I did not take advantage of the last extension that you offered me. Why, your confused community organizer mind may ask? It was the little letter that came with your offer that said I could no longer interview for jobs in the profession that provided my livelihood from 1972 to 2007. No, in order to take advantage of that last extension, I must interview for any job including minimum wage jobs. Since all of the government jobs have been taken by minorities thanks to affirmative action, and since millions of illegal aliens have gobbled up any other private sector jobs, that leaves Wal-Mart greeter.
I will not sing "Holiday" carols in front of Wal-Mart for the illegal aliens who have come to spend my tax dollars on gifts for their anchor babies, Mr. Obama. I would rather starve or freeze to death in a house with the utilities turned off.
You and your progressive pals are destroying my country, you jerk! You can take your new extension of unemployment benefits and put it right where only Barney Frank can find it.
So Merry Christmas, Mr. Obama. I'll be thinking of you when we carve the glazed Spam for Christmas.
Your unemployed and uninsured American Citizen,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Merry Christmas, Mr. President
Posted by McWeijun at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tell me it ain't so
Well America, it looks like Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder have figured out how to finish me off. After the government killed the industry that provided my livelihood for 35 years and thereby removing my health insurance which is now causing me to drain the small retirement account that I was able to set aside, the "Traveller in Chief" has now come up with the Coupe de grace. They are taking away my Fox News. How are they doing that, you may ask?
In a short time from now, the Jihadist Muslims that planned the 9-11 attack on the United States will be arriving in New York. Here they are going to be given all the rights of American citizens and prosecuted for their actions. They will be given public defenders if they cannot afford their own "Dream Team" of attorneys. They may even get a mostly Muslim jury. Hey, stranger things have happened. For the next unknown number of months or years, they will make a laughing stock out of my country. Sure, there will be plenty of photo ops for someone we see too often on T.V. these days. Sure, this will tie up our courts so that they are not available for normal activity. Sure, this will cost the taxpayers untold millions of dollars. I will not give this circus one minute of air time. That is how they took away my fox news.
It is already happening. All day Fox has been discussing the upcoming event. I just hit the off button on Fox News for what I am sure was the first of hundreds of times to come. I sent an email to Glenn Beck and asked him to please spare us this national embarrassment. I will not watch the news without the remote in my hand and my index finger on the off button until this fiasco is over.
I have a much less expensive resolution to the presidents dilemma regarding his campaign promise to close GITMO. Take all the surviving family members and friends of the 3000 killed on 9-11 to Yankee Stadium. Give them all shiny new baseball bats. Bring in the Jihadists. Tell the family and friends it is now o.k. to press charges.
Lots of people are telling me that most Muslims are good, peaceful people. I am sure that is true. My problem is that sometimes you can't tell the difference between the ones who want to kill you and the ones who might want to be your friend until it's too late. I think there are a bunch of wounded soldiers and dead soldiers at Fort Hood right now who would share my sentiment. The Holy Qur'an tells some Muslims to saw my head off. The same Holy Qur'an tells other Muslims to live in peace.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it's time for the Muslim religion to come up with an answer to this dilemma. It is not my job to figure out a solution. I will err on the side of caution and will not risk my life being politically correct. If we learn nothing else from Fort Hood, it should be that.
Learning lessons about the downfalls of being politically correct seems to be a hot topic these days. Our President is getting ready to learn a big one in New York.
Keep your remotes handy my friends.
Posted by McWeijun at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: 9-11 Trial, GITMO, Obama, politically correct
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Don't give up hope
If your like me, last week was a rough one. To see our president at the U.N. general assembly bash our country and abandon Israel to the applause of Qaddafi, Ahmadinejad and Chavez was not easy to watch. By Friday night I was starting to get that hopeless feeling. We cannot allow that to happen. We must stay positive.
We can return our capitalistic society back to the time when it was controlled by ethics and morals rather than the unbridled greed of today. I must agree with the students who protested at the G20 when they lament about the people who get paid hundreds of million of dollars per year to run companies into the ground. I share their anger when it comes to that. I have heard that 250 people make 95% of the income in this country now. That is criminal. I don't begrudge anyone a good income for hard work or a good idea and the guts to make their dream come true. There needs to be some kind of balance though. My God, I don't want to sound like an Obama wealth re-distributor, but maybe we can find some common ground with the left.
I did see something that amazed me the other night. Rush Limbaugh was applauded by the audience when he appeared on the Jay Leno show. Maybe, just maybe, the tide is starting to turn
With respect of the Israel situation, their going it alone is the fulfillment of Bible prophesy. If you are a Christian, your church family can help you with book, chapter and verse on that issue. See Ezekiel 38,39. Also see Zechariah 14:2.
Posted by McWeijun at 3:47 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Why can't we enforce our immigration laws?
The answer to this question is so simple that it will astound you.
The 14th Amendment to our Constitution (adopted in 1866) was designed to give a pathway to citizenship for the children of African slaves born on U.S. soil. I don't think many Americans would argue with the value of this Amendment, for the purpose it was intended.
Unfortunately, as our country began to adopt it's immigration laws, this 14th Amendment was not repealed. It is now a major cause of the flood of illegal immigration across our southern border.
When an illegal immigrant delivers a child at an emergency room in the U.S., that illegal is no longer illegal. They are now the parents of a U.S. citizen. How can you deport the parents of a U.S. citizen? The simple truth is, you can't. I can give you about 17 million examples to prove my point.
Great Britain and Australia had similar laws to our 14th Amendment which they repealed 30 years ago.
I think we should all be able to agree that the 14th Amendment has long since served it's intended purpose.
Only one question remains: Is there a legislator left in this country with the courage to introduce a bill to take this first step in controlling our borders?
Let's all send an email to our legislators and ask them if they would like to take the first step in controlling our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. Then, remember the response you get the next time you go to the voting booth.
Posted by McWeijun at 4:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: anchor babies, illegals, immigration
Monday, August 24, 2009
Patriot In Trouble
Well, my fellow Americans, to coin a Bill O'Reilly phrase, we are about to find out who at Fox News is a Patriot and who is a Pinhead.
In case you have not noticed, there is a guy named Glenn Beck who has been pouring his heart out to try to right the good ship America. This is a man who sees our country going over a waterfall with very little time to waste. He is right on the money. In your heart, you already know that he is a good American.
Now he has had the nerve to say that our President is a racist, on national television no less. Anyone remember where Obama sat for 20 years on Sunday and who he was shouting "amen" to? Can you say Rev. Wright, children? Can you say Father Phlager? Is it just possible Glenn is right?
Because of Glenn's comment, thirty-three sponsors want to pull their advertising and their money in an attempt to get Glenn's dance card pulled at Fox.
Will O'Reilly or Hannity or Van Susteren come to Glenn's aid here or will they throw him under the bus and cash their paychecks. The left has drawn a line in the sand. Let's see what kind of gonads these people and Fox News have.
I have a suggestion. To coin an expression of a truly worthless American, Rahm Emanuel, "never let a serious crisis go to waste." Why doesn't every conservative American get a list of the thirty-three companies that are trying to get Beck pulled from Fox. We all send each of them an email stating that we will boycott their companies until Glenn Beck receives an apology from each of them.
I have another request. Any businesses out there who are run by conservative Americans and who are concerned with where this country is going, call Fox News and tell them you would like to replace one of the sponsors that has pulled their advertisement.
I think we can turn this into a good thing for Fox News and for Glenn Beck. Fox is a good company; Beck is a good American. They need your help right now!
By the way, have you emailed your congressman and your senator yet? Tell them that if they have any part in the witch hunt to prosecute the very people who kept us safe for 8 years from another 9-11 attack, you will vote them out of office at your next opportunity. Can you even believe we have come down to this sorry excuse for an Attorney General. Maybe we should just surrender to the Jihad now and save them the time and trouble .
Posted by McWeijun at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eric Holder, Fox, Glenn Beck, News, problems, racist, Rahm Emanuel, sponsors
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Racism in America
Hello America!
O.K., we have already discussed several issues of concern in my viewpoint. Now it's time to get down to a rather sensitive issue that cannot be ignored another day. Why is there still racism in America today?
Let me list a few organizations that come to mind: Miss Black America, The Negro College fund,
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, The Congressional Black Caucus, Black History Month, etc.
Can you imagine the outrage in America if any of these, or the many other organizations, contained the word "White" in place of "Black" or "Negro"? They would be called racist, and rightfully so. Where did this double standard come from? How did it become O.K. to have organizations promoting the black race only? Can you say 'white guilt about slavery children'?
I have to tell a short story here about my father during World War II. He was standing in a Navy pay line and when the paymaster called out his Scottish surname, my dad answered "here", and so did the black man standing a few feet away. I think that means that at some time in my family tree, we must have owned slaves. My first ancestor on American soil came from Glasgow, Scotland and was a paymaster for General George Washington. So let's talk about my feelings of guilt about slavery.
Black people were sold by other black people to slave traders who took them all over the world and sold them. They left a world of starvation, disease, and running from very nasty animals. After a few generations, thousands now have multi-million dollar professional sports contracts, many are very successful doctors, lawyers, professors, politicians, and yes, even a President of the United States.
I, myself, have never had a slave. As a matter of fact, I have been a victim of affirmative action and quotas my entire adult life. I watched people get into college and get government and private sector jobs just because of their skin color. So how much guilt do I feel about slavery? Let's put it this way: If you took all of my guilt and put it in my eye, I don't think I would blink.
As I watched Rev. Wright scream in church about the evil white man and evil America, (the church that our current president sat in for 20 years), I began to wonder what Dr. King would have thought. He gave his time, and eventually his life, to try to put an end to this type of racial hatred. Were black churches in America really preaching hatred for white people? As I listen to Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson rant about the injustice that black people have to endure in America, I have this offer: I'll trade my house and my savings account straight across with any of them.
I would also like to say thanks to people like J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, and Juan Williams. These are great Americans who are trying to put racial hatred behind us and live together in harmony, the dream of Dr. King. Don't give up, guys. You are the hope for our future.
It is time for blacks to stop keeping racism alive in America. It is time for whites to stop feeling guilt about slavery. It's also time to hope that our next black president does not come from Rev. Wright's congregation.
Oh, by the way, tell your kids to pull their pants up and turn off that foul gangster rap. Women do not deserve those lyrics. Come on, man. It's time to be a part of the solution, not the problem.
Posted by McWeijun at 9:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
An Angry America
How angry do you want your America?
I remember thinking about the bombings and hatred that were a part of everyday life in Ireland when I was still in school. Why did the Protestants and Catholics hate each other so much? What could possibly have caused the anger to justify that kind of violence?
I think this great country is about to live a similar experience. The conservatives and the liberals are beginning to display a very similar type of hatred for each other. I must admit, as a conservative, I am starting to feel that the progressive liberals in this country will be the downfall of this great nation. I think that they probably feel that my conservative views are the origin of most of the problems in the world today. What we have here, my friend, is a recipe for disaster.
Have you noticed the lack of courtesy on the roads these days? Can you barely stand to watch the garbage they call television these days? Have you noticed the gangster rap and the saggin' that is thrust in your face by some of our youth these days? Does it make you feel like they would like nothing more than to stop your heart with their disgusting display? Have you noticed that you are afraid to make eye contact with people these days? Can you imagine what would happen if this country had another "Great Depression" with it's citizens so much at each others throat?
Our parents survived the Great Depression by looking out for each other. They fed and clothed each other. They lifted each other up when things seemed impossible. They had a common bond that gave them the strength to survive. They loved their country, and yes, they found strength in their belief that God would not forsake them. Because of these values, they made it through the tough times.
Can you imagine the mayhem that would exist today if this divided nation were thrown into a similar situation? We had better find a way to get back to where we came from, my fellow Americans. Maybe we can learn from our Irish friends who seem to have learned to live with each other.
The very survival of our secular progressive fellow citizens depends on it. God fearing conservatives have a much different future my friends. If you are one, you are wearing a big smile.
Posted by McWeijun at 7:44 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
If You're Saggin', I'm Gaggin'
Hello again America,
I don't know if the rest of this country is being treated to the same wonderful sight as I am here in San Bernardino, Ca. I can't seem to go out of my house without having to admire the boxer-covered ass of some teenager with his pants hanging around his knees. What is keeping them from falling down around their ankles? Is it that waddle they do that makes them look like they have a load in their pants? Is it some kind of body piercing? I don't think I want to know. Throw in a boom-box with some good gangster rap and my ulcer starts to bleed.
One thing I do know. They are doing this just for me. They are hoping I will lose my temper and tell them to pull their bleeping pants up so that they can produce that semi-automatic weapon concealed in that cavernous crotch and leave me in a pool of conservative blood and shell casings. I'm sure the A.C.L.U. would be all over any municipality that tried to put a stop to this
display of their constitutional rights. That is, however, a subject for a subsequent blog.
I have a better idea. What if all guys over 50 would join the "saggin" club? One slight modification would be tighty-whiteys rather than boxers. Especially you plumbers out there. Are you starting to get a visual? Maybe throw in a Towncraft T-shirt that is a little too small and way too short. We could follow them around and play some Buck Owens on our own boom-boxes. Just an idea.
If our local governments can't handle stupid crap like this, what chance do they have to deal with the real problems in our cities these days?
Call your city council person and tell them your tired of putting up with saggin' and will be glad to vote for someone who will do something about it in the next election. Use your voice, my fellow Americans.
Posted by McWeijun at 8:00 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Will America Survive?
Hello again America,
I was wondering, if the Roman Empire would have had the Internet, would they have survived? America is going to answer that question. I think my progressive liberal friends feel that this country can protect them and their money forever. History seems to have escaped them. This is the real truth.
There are Americans who think this is a great country. One that has given countless lives, food, money and medicine all over this globe to try to save lives and give some modicum of health and happiness to the oppressed. There are also those Americans who think America is an evil force in the world and is living the results of the evil we have spread around the globe.
As I was thinking about this situation, it came to me that we should have a phone-in survey in this country. Plug in your social security number and press 1 if your in the first group and 2 if your in the second. At least then we would know exactly how dire our situation is and it would force people to decide where they stand. The words of one of my favorite Eagles songs go like this:
"Cruisin' down the center of a two-way street, wond'rin' who is really in the driver's seat. Mindin' my bus'ness, along comes big brother, says, 'Son, you better get on one side or the other.'"
These words have never been more timely than today.
Once we know how many Americans think our country is evil, the next question is why do they feel that way? Was it their progressive liberal professors in college that brainwashed them to feel that way? The professors will tell you it is their first amendment right to teach as they see fit. My Webster's defines treason as betrayal of one's country to an enemy. In my mind that trumps free speech. Was it the breakdown of the family unit and the failure of parents to instill a basic love for country in their children? Was it that nationalism has been traded in for a "One World" way of thinking by the leaders in our government? Was it because the mainstream media has been feeding our population a constant diet of anti-American spin? Was it a combination of all of the above? Do you think we had better find out the answers to these questions? Do you think we had better do whatever it takes to reverse this process before it's too late?
We are not guaranteed a free country, my fellow Americans. A lot of brave Americans died on the battlefield to give us this privilege. A lot of good Americans also worked their asses off to build this great nation. It's time to grab a mitt and get in the game. I, for one, do not want this country to go the way of the Roman Empire.
Posted by McWeijun at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Labels: Nationalism, One world order, treason
Cash for Clunkers is a Flunker
How many things are actually wrong with this plan?
Let's start by asking if the $4,500.00 must be used to buy an American-made car. If the answer is no, why was that not part of the deal? The taxpayers need to sell their cars too. If that had been a requirement, maybe the 1 billion dollars would have lasted as long as it was supposed to and our government would not be getting bent over for another 2 billion dollars.
Does the government assume that everyone in this country can afford to buy a new car and qualify for a loan for the balance or pay it in cash? Those individuals, my friend, were going to buy a new car soon anyway. My first 10 cars were clunkers. Some of them did not last long but a couple of them turned out to be reliable transportation for very little investment and served me well. Are there no kids left in the country who would love to fix up one of these clunkers? And what about our 10 million unemployed Americans? Don't believe the government's number of 6.5 million, because they don't count people like me who decided to retire rather than find a job that an illegal would not accept. Maybe one of these unemployed Americans will be lucky enough to find work and need a clunker to get there.
Now let's talk about the environment. When you melt hundreds of thousands of cars into metal ingots, I'm thinking this may not be a very "green" process. As a matter of fact, it would be interesting to have a scientific analysis of the environmental impact of this process. How much toxic gas are we pumping into the atmosphere burning all of this old paint, rubber, plastic, etc.?
Last but not least, where are all of these metal ingots going to wind up? China? Japan? South Korea? India? How much metal do we need in the U.S.A. considering that most manufacturing jobs have been exported to other countries? Maybe some day the U.S.A. will decide to again be a world leader in manufacturing and bring those jobs home. In hope of that day, wouldn't it be a "green" idea to have some nice metal ingots stored and ready? It seems like, for now, all we can manufacture these days are apologies.
Remember to tell your legislators to grab a mitt and get in the game.
Posted by McWeijun at 1:06 PM 5 comments