Monday, August 24, 2009

Patriot In Trouble

Well, my fellow Americans, to coin a Bill O'Reilly phrase, we are about to find out who at Fox News is a Patriot and who is a Pinhead.

In case you have not noticed, there is a guy named Glenn Beck who has been pouring his heart out to try to right the good ship America. This is a man who sees our country going over a waterfall with very little time to waste. He is right on the money. In your heart, you already know that he is a good American.

Now he has had the nerve to say that our President is a racist, on national television no less. Anyone remember where Obama sat for 20 years on Sunday and who he was shouting "amen" to? Can you say Rev. Wright, children? Can you say Father Phlager? Is it just possible Glenn is right?

Because of Glenn's comment, thirty-three sponsors want to pull their advertising and their money in an attempt to get Glenn's dance card pulled at Fox.

Will O'Reilly or Hannity or Van Susteren come to Glenn's aid here or will they throw him under the bus and cash their paychecks. The left has drawn a line in the sand. Let's see what kind of gonads these people and Fox News have.

I have a suggestion. To coin an expression of a truly worthless American, Rahm Emanuel, "never let a serious crisis go to waste." Why doesn't every conservative American get a list of the thirty-three companies that are trying to get Beck pulled from Fox. We all send each of them an email stating that we will boycott their companies until Glenn Beck receives an apology from each of them.

I have another request. Any businesses out there who are run by conservative Americans and who are concerned with where this country is going, call Fox News and tell them you would like to replace one of the sponsors that has pulled their advertisement.

I think we can turn this into a good thing for Fox News and for Glenn Beck. Fox is a good company; Beck is a good American. They need your help right now!

By the way, have you emailed your congressman and your senator yet? Tell them that if they have any part in the witch hunt to prosecute the very people who kept us safe for 8 years from another 9-11 attack, you will vote them out of office at your next opportunity. Can you even believe we have come down to this sorry excuse for an Attorney General. Maybe we should just surrender to the Jihad now and save them the time and trouble .
