Monday, November 8, 2010

President's trip to underscore the obvious

Our government has let American companies send 10 or 15 million American jobs overseas in the name of higher profit margins. As the president spends a few billion taxpayer dollars to visit those jobs in India, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea, he is puzzled by why we have 10 or 15 million people out of work in the U.S. Are Americans really unable to see the answer that is right in front of our face? Our president sold this trip as an attempt to get these other countries to buy more of our products. What a crock. We don't manufacture anything but apologies. Our president is darn good at those. Come on people, it's time to start thinking about saving our own economy. If our economy does not survive, we won't be around to enjoy a peachy Global economy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

14th Amendment, What a joke!

The 14th amendment was flawed when written. The amendment should have contained language that would have terminated birthright citizenship when the last child of a slave was born. It was not intended to be a magnet to bring millions of illegals to our emergency rooms so that their issue could join our now bankrupt social security system as a reward for the criminal act of their parents. A repeal of this amendment is long overdue. The repeal should also be retroactive to cancel any citizenship granted to children born here who cannot prove that at least one parent was a legal citizen of this country. Wake up Boomers, or be willing to lose the contributions that you paid into the social security system all the years that you worked. Call your representative and your Senators now. Tell them your vote depends on their action in this matter.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Seattle P.D. delivers free lip Botox

Is Al Sharpton on his way to Seattle yet? I see another beer summit in Obama's future. The police in this country have a difficult job at best. There once was a time when resisting arrest would result in whatever action was necessary to regain control of the situation. There is a segment of our population who feels they are above the law. If you want to see what I mean, pay close attention to what happens to the cop in Seattle who was attacked by the 2 "Ladies." If these jaywalkers would have kept their mouth shut and shown this cop a little respect, they would have been given a warning and a "have a nice day." For what it's worth, this Seattle cop made my day. Hell, he made my year.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can You Say Radical Islam, Children?

Can you say Radical Islam, children? Evidently not, if you are Eric Holder or Alan Colmes. I hope everyone in America had the opportunity to watch our Attorney General refuse to acknowledge the term "Radical Islam" before Congress last week. The message was made even more clear when Alan Colmes appeared on Megan Kelly's Fox News program. Mr. Colmes would not accept the term "Radical Islam" either. After watching some true progressive liberals ignore the existence of the Jihad, two things became very clear to me.

First: How far from reality the far left has strayed in this country and how vulnerable that makes us while they are in control of our government.

Second: The horrible thing we have done to our children by letting a progressive movement run unchecked in this country. The thing most "Totally Transformed" is the likelihood of our country's survival.

With God's grace, we may still have time to save this country. Our biggest tools are our vote and our voice. There has never been a more important time in our lifetimes to use them both wisely. Our country and our children are counting on us.


T.B.T.F. "Too Big To Fail"

This thought has brought me out of hibernation. A new entity has been created by the global economy. It is the "Global American Taxpayer." Take Greece, for example. Ten billion or so American taxpayer dollars were included in their I.M.F. bailout. You might ask how, at a time of extreme financial peril in our own country, this could happen. In a global economy, almost all countries are T.B.T.F. They tell us our exposure would have been many billions more of our American tax dollars if we had allowed a chain reaction starting in Greece to bring down more T.B.T.F. countries in the European Union. In other words, we have forever tied the success of our country to the success of an endless number of T.B.T.F. countries around the world. Does this sound smart to anyone?

The fact is, there is one entity that comes to mind that would not be T.B.T.F. You guessed it, the Global American Taxpayer. We will be on our own in a sea of vultures. We will also have no one to blame but ourselves for not standing up to the global progressive movement in this country.

What say we dump the global crap and replace it with trying to save the United States of America? Anyone still want to play for that team?


Monday, February 8, 2010

"No, I said corpse, man"

My greatest desire is that all Americans with an ounce of patriotism, and especially any citizen who has an elementary understanding of things military, saw the professor in chief giving it up for the heroic Haitian Corpsman (which he pronounced corpse man). He did it not just once, but three times on Fox News. Live by the teleprompter and other peoples words, die by the teleprompter and other peoples words. Man, if I could just get my hands on Obama's teleprompter, no telling what I could get him to say. Can't wait until Leno and Letterman get their digs in on this. With respect for cultural diversity, we must understand that he spent his formative years as a Muslim. Is anyone else starting to worry that Obama, "The man with no shame" might lose it? People with that much ego, and a life of air kisses as "Messiah The Organizer" in Chicago, have a hard time dealing with embarrasement. Bring on Thune and Scott Brown and lets see if Obama and Holder have any moves. Couple white guys beating a couple negros, oops, I mean blacks. That might be enough to make Obama lose his collywobbles. Hell, Sarah Palin might want some of this action. I can't get these words out of my mind: "All enemies, Foreign and Domestic."


Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Where Are All The Jobs?"

I keep hearing all of the talking heads asking "Where are all the jobs?" What is missing in this question is the biggest part of the story. What kind of jobs are you asking about? If you're talking about government jobs, they are everywhere. That is, as long as you are not a white male, age 55. Walk into any government office in my part of the world and you'll see what I mean. The government has added jobs galore. Don't forget, government jobs cost taxpayers big dollars. Especially when you consider the legacy cost of their Rolls Royce pension and health care benefits. Now if your talking private sector jobs, the answer boils down to five rather simple factors. When I hear a politician talking about any of these I will feel hope.
First, the loss of manufacturing in this country is staggering. Try to buy something made in the U.S. I do try when I'm shopping, but I normally don't have the option. In search of bigger profits and less government regulation, American manufacturing has moved to other countries that offer cheap labor. That equals a ton of jobs lost in addition to putting an arrow through the heart of our American pride.
Second, sweet productivity. This country has been chasing the productivity quotient at the sacrifice of the service level for most of my life. Every new automation or cutting edge innovation has sent another wave of people looking for work. And what a cost. Remember when you would get your windows washed, tires and oil checked, and a smile and a "thanks for your business" when you filled up with gas? My favorite is the automated answering services and their extensive menus that will take you to anything but what you need. Government and the private sector have saved millions of jobs with this technology and caused an unknown number of heart attacks in the process.
Third, the unspeakable: Illegal immigration. There are many millions of non-citizens who are currently doing jobs that Americans just won't do. Does that sound funny to you? Americans used to do those jobs before the illegals came. You know the difference. When Americans did those jobs, their income was subject to our tax laws and generated some revenue. Now, a large part of the illegals get paid cash and are strangers to the IRS.
Fourth, government should be friendly to business. Business creates jobs and profits and thereby revenue. I'm sure many of you know people who have had difficulty keeping their business alive because of issues relating to taxes and regulation gone wild. We all understand the importance of clean air and water. To stretch this to Cap & Trade legislation that will create billions of dollars of profits for carbon credit traders on Wall Street is a crime. Government needs a new mindset when it comes to keeping business alive and well. Business is where they get their paycheck from. Er, Duh. Ask our Governor what part of this is hard to understand.
Fifth, unions gone wild. I think unions in this country started out with a noble cause. There were some real abuses going on that needed to be addressed. What they have turned into is a death sentence for jobs in America. Ask Detroit if they agree. The wages and pension/health care benefits they have negotiated for their members is rivaled only by government workers. The rest of society gets to live on what they have been able to save and any Social Security benefits they may receive.

Remember these words my fellow Americans: "All enemies, foreign and domestic."


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To be, or not to be, "Politically Correct"

As much as I dislike Rahm"Never-Let-A-Crisis-Go-To-Waste"Emanuel, I think the Republicans trying to crucify him because he called some of them "retarded" is a joke. Bernie Goldberg hit the nail on the head. This is just another example of politically correct gone wild. I just love the way they try to tell us what words we can still use in this country. We can't say articulate light skinned negro, we can't say midget, we can't say queer or homo, we can't say terrorist, we can't say God in a public school, and now we can't say retarded. What's next, we can't speak English in front of an illegal resident because that would be disrespecting their cultural diversity? We have more important things to worry about than political correctness. The San Bernardino city trash truck below spoke volumes to me. Thank you Mr. Mayor for making me feel like a foreigner in my own country. In case you can't read it, the city's advertisement says, "Tira tu vaso en la basura, no en la coladera." What happened to the day when legal immigrants repayed the opportunity to share our great country by doing us the honor of learning our language?


On a brighter note, I could not help noticing that Barney Frank is up for re-election in November. I sure would like to see a conservative fill his seat. Barney might not mind that either. Oops! I'm not sure if I can still say that.

As Loudon Wainwright III said in a song, "We are spinning through space on shaky ground."


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Congratulations Senator Scott Brown

Howdy America,

Let's tell Senator elect Brown congratulations, and that we will now watch him carefully to see if he is a conservative or progressive. We have learned that either party contains both. Mr. Brown's victory was sweet indeed. However, if we have learned anything it's that we need to learn the true character and agenda of our elected leaders and lawmakers. If their first term does not reveal an American worthy of our vote, remove him or her. If we don't think we can last for an entire first term, we have legal remedies at our disposal as well. We don't have the luxury of keeping any more losers around. I urge everyone to watch Glenn Beck's first documentary tomorrow. "Live Free Or Die" will tell the real history of the progressive movements that has been erased from our history books. We will learn this year the most dangerous thing that is happening in the United States. We will need to make our borders secure. We need to only allow people who share our values and ideals to immigrate, period. We need to make sure their true intention is to become an American and wave the American flag and love this country for the opportunity it has given them. We also need to limit the annual numbers to something our circumstances can handle. Then we will have to address the very expensive problems we have created by ignoring our own laws for the last 3 decades. Why have we made borders and immigration matters of such little importance in this country? It is the very security of our Nation and the character of our American culture that is at risk. After you watch Mr. Beck tomorrow, ask your representative and senators that question and ask them if they would consider working on that problem in 2010 instead of reinventing the wheel. Then ask them if they would consider themselves a progressive or a conservative and make a note of their answer. You will want to watch them and see if they tell you the truth and then act accordingly. We may not have as big a problem as we think with term limits if we do what the founding fathers expected us to do. Stay informed and use our vote and impeachment laws to cull the losers.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is really wrong with America?

You want to know what is wrong with America? It's not the pillaging of the American Citizens by Wall Street, Big Unions and the progressives in control of the executive and legislative branches of our government. It is not the unemployment rate. It is not even the decrease of real estate values back to something that represents reality. No my friend, the real problem is the character of many of our fellow citizens and more importantly, the character of the individuals who make laws and regulations about something they have no real knowledge of. Legislation lobbied by special interests with an agenda, the consequences of which are never considered. Two small illustrations follow after an introduction of the problem. I think a lot of Americans will be able to relate to these.

Around 1980 the United States passed emission legislation which required cars sold in this country to be equipped with computers and sensors to control emissions. These computers have the ability to turn on warning lights that will force you to go to an automotive service department with the correct software to diagnose the reason all of the warning lights came on. You cannot even sell your vehicle with these warning lights on because it will not pass the smog test. In many cases, the sensors will stop your car dead in it's tracks and have you on the phone with a towing service. As you will see by the following examples, this approach has opened the door for Americans to exhibit what is "The Real Problem With America."

Illustration No.1:
I was driving home from a wedding about 100 miles from home a year ago. At midnight, going down the freeway at 70mph, with my wife, daughter and another friend, my 2003 Jeep
Liberty stopped running. All of the warning lights on the dash came on, the tack went to zero and we coasted to a stop. After being stranded for a couple hours, we were rescued by my best friend, the Father of the groom, and the next morning decided to have the car towed to Aamco Transmission in Oceanside on Monday morning. My Jeep only had 70,000 miles and had had all of its services. I checked with Aamco every day for status and was told they were having to do "extra" diagnostic computer work.That should have been my red flag. The car was finally ready on Friday. I was told both cam and crank sensors had gone out. The sensors were $140.00 each and with the "computer diagnostic work" and labor the bill was $675.00. After I got home to San Bernardino and checked with the Service manager at Moss Motors, I found out that crank sensor failure was common on the Liberty. The crank sensor retail was $39 and labor to install was $100. He also said that he had never heard of a cam sensor problem on the Liberty and that it was mathematically impossible for both sensors to fail at the same time. He said that what probably happened was that they misdiagnosed the failure and replaced the wrong sensor and then had to go back and replace the correct one. At any rate they had overcharged me $100 on each sensor.

Illustration No.2:
Last weekend it was time to buy my almost 18-year-old daughter a car. I was limited to $6,500.00 so we wound up at the Repo-Depot in Redlands, California. Andrew, one of the owners, had a 2006 Suzuki with 60,000 miles that was pretty clean and told me that I could get it out the door for $6,500.00. I drove the 15 miles back to our house with my anxious daughter eager to go out and learn to drive the stick shift as soon as we got home. After a call to my insurance agent to add the new car, with daughter behind the wheel, off we went. My daughter had been driving our Jeep with the automatic transmission for almost 2 years but needed some lessons on driving the manual. After 20 minutes the check engine light came on. Back home we went to call the dealer with daughter thinking she had broken her new car. The dealer told me to drive back to his lot and he would check it out. He used his hand-held computer to turn off the check engine light and told me that I had probably not tightened the gas cap good enough. That should have been my red flag. The next morning I took my daughter back out to try again. After 20 minutes the check engine light came on again. This time, a clue to the real problem surfaced. The throttle pedal stopped working. With the engine running at idle, nothing happened when you pressed down on the throttle pedal. Something in the car's computer or sensors had put the car's engine into a "Limp" mode which prevented the throttle from working. After turning off the car and restarting it, the throttle worked for a few more minutes and then again stopped. Push down on the pedal, no response. Back to the house for a second time with my crushed daughter again thinking she has broken her car. Andrew doesn't work on Sunday so Monday morning I take the car back to him. He says he will take it to his mechanic and have the problem fixed. Two days later, Andrew calls and says the car is ready. They did a tune up and everything is fine. When I asked Andrew exactly what was wrong, he asked me to call the mechanic directly for that information. Now I'm talking to the mechanic, Mr. Morales, who is not happy when I ask for the error codes from his diagnostic work and what parts were replaced, but goes to find his diagnostic work. After giving me two codes he admits that they did not replace any parts. They had cleaned the throttle body and reset the computer so that the check engine light would go off. They had then driven the car for 20 miles and the check engine light did not come back on, yet. In other words, either they could not diagnose the problem with the sensors, or they did and the dealer was not willing to hit the hip for the repair bill. I am quite sure that when the check engine comes on the next time and the throttle stops working, I am going to learn the true character of Andrew at the Repo Depot. I will add the end of the story to this blog when it plays out. Wish me luck.

This is the consequence of letting special interests get their way with lawmakers, regardless of the ultimate effect on others. Building in thousands of dollars of service department repair bills to replace computers and little sensors and perform computer diagnostic work on cars seemed like a good idea to Detroit. How are you liking your sales figures now, Detroit? How many Americans have experience situations similar to mine? I have a suggestion, Detroit. Build a simple car with no computers or unnecessary sensors. One that can be serviced in the driveway by the owner when needed, without a computer. I'm O.K. with making the car pass a smog test every other year. If the owner can't keep the car smog compliant, make him take it to someone who can and don't renew his license until he does. We don't need to destroy our cars to fight smog. A little common sense will do.

Tell your senators and representative to introduce legislation to stop this madness. Don't we have a car czar that can handle this anyway? I thought the taxpayers owned a controlling interest in the American car industry. If they won't do it, elect someone who will. We have the power if we will only use it.
