Thursday, January 21, 2010

Congratulations Senator Scott Brown

Howdy America,

Let's tell Senator elect Brown congratulations, and that we will now watch him carefully to see if he is a conservative or progressive. We have learned that either party contains both. Mr. Brown's victory was sweet indeed. However, if we have learned anything it's that we need to learn the true character and agenda of our elected leaders and lawmakers. If their first term does not reveal an American worthy of our vote, remove him or her. If we don't think we can last for an entire first term, we have legal remedies at our disposal as well. We don't have the luxury of keeping any more losers around. I urge everyone to watch Glenn Beck's first documentary tomorrow. "Live Free Or Die" will tell the real history of the progressive movements that has been erased from our history books. We will learn this year the most dangerous thing that is happening in the United States. We will need to make our borders secure. We need to only allow people who share our values and ideals to immigrate, period. We need to make sure their true intention is to become an American and wave the American flag and love this country for the opportunity it has given them. We also need to limit the annual numbers to something our circumstances can handle. Then we will have to address the very expensive problems we have created by ignoring our own laws for the last 3 decades. Why have we made borders and immigration matters of such little importance in this country? It is the very security of our Nation and the character of our American culture that is at risk. After you watch Mr. Beck tomorrow, ask your representative and senators that question and ask them if they would consider working on that problem in 2010 instead of reinventing the wheel. Then ask them if they would consider themselves a progressive or a conservative and make a note of their answer. You will want to watch them and see if they tell you the truth and then act accordingly. We may not have as big a problem as we think with term limits if we do what the founding fathers expected us to do. Stay informed and use our vote and impeachment laws to cull the losers.
