In the name of maximum profit, businesses have done everything humanly possible to rid this country of middle class jobs. We are now reaping the reward of that way of thinking and the poetic beauty of it is ironic. The short term maximum profits paradigm has lead to a long term destruction of the middle class. The middle class is what made this country a success. The government cannot fix this problem with all the taxes or programs they can dream of. The only solution is for the private sector to start creating tens of millions of good paying middle class jobs. Fewer jobs sent overseas for cheap labor. Stop replacing people with machines. Secure the borders and enforce immigration laws to stop the flow of cheap labor. Not every kid needs an MBA. How about teaching some of them how to make things with their hands so that they can make a good living and help bring manufacturing back to the U.S. "Hand made in the U.S.A" should be our slogan for the 21st century. If we are lucky, our children will have a chance to rebuild the American dream by looking back at how we destroyed it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
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