Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't give up hope

If your like me, last week was a rough one. To see our president at the U.N. general assembly bash our country and abandon Israel to the applause of Qaddafi, Ahmadinejad and Chavez was not easy to watch. By Friday night I was starting to get that hopeless feeling. We cannot allow that to happen. We must stay positive.

We can return our capitalistic society back to the time when it was controlled by ethics and morals rather than the unbridled greed of today. I must agree with the students who protested at the G20 when they lament about the people who get paid hundreds of million of dollars per year to run companies into the ground. I share their anger when it comes to that. I have heard that 250 people make 95% of the income in this country now. That is criminal. I don't begrudge anyone a good income for hard work or a good idea and the guts to make their dream come true. There needs to be some kind of balance though. My God, I don't want to sound like an Obama wealth re-distributor, but maybe we can find some common ground with the left.

I did see something that amazed me the other night. Rush Limbaugh was applauded by the audience when he appeared on the Jay Leno show. Maybe, just maybe, the tide is starting to turn

With respect of the Israel situation, their going it alone is the fulfillment of Bible prophesy. If you are a Christian, your church family can help you with book, chapter and verse on that issue. See Ezekiel 38,39. Also see Zechariah 14:2.



Dave said...

If your like me, you would not have been directly exposed to the madness because you would not have a TV in your house. Staying informed through the alternative sources that are now available to us takes the edge off of the insanity. Do yourself a favor and destroy that TV. During his life my Father had been both a republican and a democrat, he wanted to find that common ground of which you speak, a capatalistic society with a sense of humanity and fairness for those less fortunate or less driven. Unbridled greed lives on both sides of our political arena, there in lies our greatest problem. Our government feeds off of greed and control of others, a human problem for which there is no human solution. I guess we can hope to find that common ground, but I remember what my father said about hope...."You can hope in one hand and crap in the other and tell me which hand fills up".....

GCA said...

I like your message of hope - it rings true with the core trait that makes America and Americans such a powerful force for good. And speaking of hope - I hope we still have a country left when elections come around again in 2012.