Friday, November 13, 2009

Tell me it ain't so

Well America, it looks like Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder have figured out how to finish me off. After the government killed the industry that provided my livelihood for 35 years and thereby removing my health insurance which is now causing me to drain the small retirement account that I was able to set aside, the "Traveller in Chief" has now come up with the Coupe de grace. They are taking away my Fox News. How are they doing that, you may ask?

In a short time from now, the Jihadist Muslims that planned the 9-11 attack on the United States will be arriving in New York. Here they are going to be given all the rights of American citizens and prosecuted for their actions. They will be given public defenders if they cannot afford their own "Dream Team" of attorneys. They may even get a mostly Muslim jury. Hey, stranger things have happened. For the next unknown number of months or years, they will make a laughing stock out of my country. Sure, there will be plenty of photo ops for someone we see too often on T.V. these days. Sure, this will tie up our courts so that they are not available for normal activity. Sure, this will cost the taxpayers untold millions of dollars. I will not give this circus one minute of air time. That is how they took away my fox news.

It is already happening. All day Fox has been discussing the upcoming event. I just hit the off button on Fox News for what I am sure was the first of hundreds of times to come. I sent an email to Glenn Beck and asked him to please spare us this national embarrassment. I will not watch the news without the remote in my hand and my index finger on the off button until this fiasco is over.

I have a much less expensive resolution to the presidents dilemma regarding his campaign promise to close GITMO. Take all the surviving family members and friends of the 3000 killed on 9-11 to Yankee Stadium. Give them all shiny new baseball bats. Bring in the Jihadists. Tell the family and friends it is now o.k. to press charges.

Lots of people are telling me that most Muslims are good, peaceful people. I am sure that is true. My problem is that sometimes you can't tell the difference between the ones who want to kill you and the ones who might want to be your friend until it's too late. I think there are a bunch of wounded soldiers and dead soldiers at Fort Hood right now who would share my sentiment. The Holy Qur'an tells some Muslims to saw my head off. The same Holy Qur'an tells other Muslims to live in peace.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it's time for the Muslim religion to come up with an answer to this dilemma. It is not my job to figure out a solution. I will err on the side of caution and will not risk my life being politically correct. If we learn nothing else from Fort Hood, it should be that.

Learning lessons about the downfalls of being politically correct seems to be a hot topic these days. Our President is getting ready to learn a big one in New York.

Keep your remotes handy my friends.
