Thursday, December 10, 2009

Merry Christmas, Mr. President

Well, Mr. Obama, congratulations on your "I'm gonna bag on Bush and Cheney for 4 years" prize that you received today from the Nobel Prize Commission. You were so humble as you preened before those well dressed liberal twits. Thank you for that wonderful line, Mr. Krauthammer.

I heard again today that you are going to hand another extension of unemployment benefits to the sheeple on the backs of that newest of endangered species, the American taxpayer. In case you did not notice, I did not take advantage of the last extension that you offered me. Why, your confused community organizer mind may ask? It was the little letter that came with your offer that said I could no longer interview for jobs in the profession that provided my livelihood from 1972 to 2007. No, in order to take advantage of that last extension, I must interview for any job including minimum wage jobs. Since all of the government jobs have been taken by minorities thanks to affirmative action, and since millions of illegal aliens have gobbled up any other private sector jobs, that leaves Wal-Mart greeter.

I will not sing "Holiday" carols in front of Wal-Mart for the illegal aliens who have come to spend my tax dollars on gifts for their anchor babies, Mr. Obama. I would rather starve or freeze to death in a house with the utilities turned off.

You and your progressive pals are destroying my country, you jerk! You can take your new extension of unemployment benefits and put it right where only Barney Frank can find it.

So Merry Christmas, Mr. Obama. I'll be thinking of you when we carve the glazed Spam for Christmas.

Your unemployed and uninsured American Citizen,
