Thursday, December 15, 2011

How far we have fallen

I just finished the most difficult and yet one of the best books I have ever read. Glenn Beck's "The Original Argument" is a view into the minds of those who drafted and sold our Constitution to the Confederacy. If you want to gain a new appreciation for the intellect of our founders, I highly recommend this book. A pal asked me what were the most important thoughts in the book. The most clear agreement between Hamilton, Madison and Jay, who penned the papers under the name Publius was spot on. Without a firm foundation in God, man would not be able to govern himself, regardless of what form of government he created. They told the people that this Constitution was the best document ever created in the history of mankind to form a solid foundation for a country. They also told them that it was up to them to make it work, and that without the character that comes from faith in God, chances were slim. Ben Franklin answered a man's question after leaving the signing who asked, "What kind of a government did you give us?" He said, "A Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it." What a great message. Wish they would spend more time teaching it in school. Maybe some day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tell your great,great,great,great grandchildren you are sorry.

I was thinking about the shrewd deal we made with the President when we decided to increase the debt limit by another 2.4 trillion dollars. Believe me, that money will be spent by the end of his first term. That will bring our total debt to about 17 trillion. In return, we got a promise that a special committee of legislators would attempt to cut 1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. That's 150 billion per year. At that rate, it will take roughly 110 years to pay off the debt. I know 2121 will be here before we know it, but could we not have assigned a slightly higher priority to one of the biggest problems in our Nations history?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama tries to buy "Protection" from radical Islam

Well, don't worry all you Arab Springers. World leader Obama, and the American taxpayer, backed by the full strength of the debt they owe to the Chinese Government, to the rescue. Little did we know prior to today's news conference opened by Mr. Obama's new number 1 groupie, Hillary Clinton, that the only thing needed in the Middle East and North Africa is a little Chicago style community organizin'. Well, that and a little U.S. taxpayer sponsored stimulus plan comprised of a few billion in previous debt forgiveness and a few billion in good old venture capital to promote that world renowned entrepreneurial spirit of Tunisia. Oh ya, and 50 thousand metric tons of good old American grain from the good old American grain farmers that just lost their 2011 crop to flooding. I'm sure Mr. Netanyahu will slip a note to the World organizer tomorrow to let him know that Israel is not his to give away. Will someone please tell Mr. Obama that average Americans are having trouble buying enough food to feed their families these days. Was that 50 thousand metric tons of grain to Jordan a sale or a gift? Just curious. We are not running a small business in Al Capone's Chicago here MR. Obama. We can't buy "Protection" against the spread of radical Islam. Israel-little Satan. America-big Satan.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chicago is on a roll

Well, hopefully parents are pulling their kids out of Chicago's Northwestern University faster than a politician can pocket your union dues. It seems Professor Michael Bailey decided that the best way to use our education tax dollars was to give his class a little lesson on the proper use of power tools. Yep, The best way to teach your kids how to recognize a non-faked orgasm is to strap a dildo onto the end of a Sawzall, find a couple students willing to strip down in front of the class and fire that baby up. Man Chicago is on a roll! Rev. Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Andy Stearn, Valerie Jarret, Blagojevich, and Mayor, Rahm "Shower Stalker" Emanuel. Now we have to add Northwestern University to Chicago's list of national embarrassments. On a darker note, it's probably a good time to buy stock in the company that manufactures the Sawzall. Daddy's little girls from around the country will be asking Santa for a Sawzall this Christmas

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Solution to Union problem will solve unemployment problem

Here is an idea. We have about 20 million citizens who are out of work. We also have about 20 million union people calling in sick to march in the streets because they only make $50 and hour and can retire at 50 with 80% of their salary for the rest of their life, not to mention Cadillac health care benefits. Lets try this. Lets make unions illegal. There is nothing in our constitution that gives anyone the right to have collective bargaining. Next, the 20 million unemployed trade places with the 20 million spoiled ex-union jerks for a while. See how fast they shut their yaps. Maybe then the union crybabies will understand why they make their unemployed fellow Americans want to wretch.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Screw the Unions, Public and Private and Secure our Borders Now

Lets send a message to congress that will get their attention. Members of congress who retire get the same retirement pay that 90% of the private sector gets. That's right. Zip. Nada. Nicht. And that applies no matter how many terms they suck off the taxpayer nipple. If they live to 62 they can get social security just like everyone else. If they live to 65 they can get health insurance. It's called medicare. Let's get 38 states together and convene a constitutional convention and bust up all the unions, public and private. At the same time reduce government wages to something in line with the private sector. Every worker pays into social security. Guess what? Social Security becomes solvent instantly. While we're at it, let include a repeal of the anchor baby laws (14th amendment), and build a fence illegals can't climb over. Then we can arm that fence with sharpshooters with 50 cal. rifles and give them the authority to use them. What excuse will we give our children when an Islamic Terrorits smuggles a nuke or biological weapon across the Mexican Border? You see Son, our Country lost it's balls and decided to just roll over a die. Are there no leaders left in this country willing to say screw the world community? Lets fix America and then we can look for another worthy cause.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Public employee unions

I don't understand why this is even a problem. Public employee pension and health care benefits should be 100% funded by the union members. It should be illegal for them to take one penny from the taxpayers or the government. Let their benefits live or die based on their own contributions. Problem solved. The private sector then has no more dog in that fight. If they can support these Cadillac pension and health care benefits with their own contribution, more power to them. The problem comes when they look to the private sector or uncle same to fund their benefits. If they don't like that fine. Kill all the union benefits and have them pay into social security and they can get the same medicare and $12,000 per year that I hope to get at 65. Why is there even a debate about this??

Wake up America.